Microsoft Edge Browser For IOS - Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability 2:41 PM During one of my previous posts " Multiple Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerabilities In Mobile Browsers ", I discussed about several ...
Paypal Mobile Verification And Payment Restrictions Bypass 8:53 AM In this post, i would like to share a very simple logic flaw I found earlier this year I have found a way to circumvent mobile verificat...
Sucuri WAF XSS Filter Bypass 8:50 AM Introduction Sucuri Cloud Proxy is a very well known WAF capable of preventing DOS, SQL Injection, XSS and malware detection and preve...
Bad Meets evil - PHP meets Regular Expressions 8:48 AM twi This article would briefly discuss the reason why Regular Expressions might not be suitable for filtersand how things could turn mis...
A Tale Of Another SOP Bypass In Android Browser < 4.4 8:44 AM Since, my recent android SOP bypass [CVE-2014-6041] triggered a lot of eruption among the infosec community, I was motivated to resea...