Google Chrome, Firefox Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability 9:04 AM Introduction Google security team themselves state that " We recognize that the address bar is the only reliable security ind...
Detecting Cross Site Scripting XSS Vulnerabilities With Fiddler 9:00 AM For those of you who have either subscribed to my Facebook profile or RHA's Facebook fan page , you might know that i have bee...
PayPal Pays Me A Total Bounty Of 10,000 For The Command Execution Bug 9:00 AM Recently, I wrote about the command execution vulnerability i found in Paypal for which they sent me an initial payme...
Paypal Mobile Verification And Payment Restrictions Bypass 8:53 AM In this post, i would like to share a very simple logic flaw I found earlier this year I have found a way to circumvent mobile verificat...
Android Browser All Versions - Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability - CVE-2015-3830 8:50 AM Introduction Google security team themselves state that "We recognize that the address bar is the only reliable security indica...